Well Being

What fuel do we put in our bodies?

We encourage everyone to take responsibility for their health and well-being. Our usual pattern is to visit the doctor when we get ill, but unfortunately we do not spend time caring for our health.

Perhaps we take more time taking care of other things, even our cars! What fuel are we putting into our bodies?

Health Incidents

My interest in health and well being began when I was fifteen. I lived on a cane farm a few miles west of Home Hill in North Queensland. My brother Terry was nine. I had ridden my bike 15 miles to Groper Creek one Sunday morning for a day’s fishing. When I arrived home I had an evening meal and went to bed. I was pretty tired.

In the early morning hours I woke up with excruciating pain in my lower right abdomen. Dad came rushing into the room when I was on the floor crying in agony. He carried me to the car for a quick trip into town to see Dr Golding.

The doctor dragged himself from bed and said it was appendicitis. I was taken straight to the hospital.

I didn’t know much about appendicitis, but I did know the surgeon would remove the organ and this frightened the daylights out of me.

In the morning I had more pain medication. There was a sign above my pillow, “NIL BY MOUTH. WATER ONLY.” I was waiting to be whisked off to the operating room, but it never came!

The water fast continued for three days – no food, just lots of water. My pain gradually subsided. On the third morning it was no longer a worry.

Dr Golding visited me and said I was a very fortunate young man. He told me what caused the problem and gave me some advice. He said to make sure I had bowel motion every morning. The rubbish had to be removed from my body each day.

The incident frightened me. I went to all the bookshops and libraries and read the same thing – the major cause of appendicitis was constipation.

I believed that God had made me a certain way, and from that time on I always tried to answer “Nature’s Call” as soon as possible after I found the right information.

As I grew up I noticed other problems emerging.

I loved meat and dairy, especially cheese, ice cream, cakes and cream buns! Not to mention soft drinks and delightful sweets! I was following the SAD diet—the Standard Australian Diet.

I was having troubles with asthma, blood poisoning, tonsillitis, boils, tinea, infections and everything else that was going around.

While I was Headmaster at Mona Mona Mission in early 1961, I was at my wit’s end. I was married and had two lovely children. They were having health problems too. I was greatly perplexed. I wondered whether our lifestyle and food were causing the problem.

I had an horrendous tonsils operation in Cairns Hospital in my mid twenties and nearly didn’t make it through.

I did my homework again. I came across what were called “God’s eight natural laws”. I have since followed these created, natural principles of health. I further read other materials on healing. I made significant life style changes. I saw incredible, quick improvement in my health and in my family. As an example, my asthma just left after giving away dairy products – and that really shocked me and spurred on my thirst for more knowledge on natural healing.

Along with others who have journeyed into natural health, I hope you may also consider your own health in a positive way. The option is to do nothing, to end up in crisis, to use the wrong fuels, or to develop a pattern in life for living in supportive ways to the body which affects our entire health, mind, and those around us.

Don and Naomi Menkens


A mnemonic to help us start

healthy living



well being



get well n stay well

get well

8 Created Principles of Health

There are many resources available to explore these NEWSTART principles, such as publications, local practitioners, TV documentaries, and Internet articles.

However, a great source of information is from others who have adjusted their patterns of living and eating which we can hook into.

get well